Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Progressive Era blog post #5 is a website that provides news and analysis on issues related to war and peace. It offers a strong antiwar perspective, opposing military interventions and the use of force as a means of resolving conflicts.

  The American Conservative is a website that also offers a strong antiwar perspective. It was founded by Patrick Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopulos in 2002, and its editorial stance is generally conservative and non-interventionist.

    Both and The American Conservative provide a valuable counterpoint to mainstream media outlets that often support military intervention and the use of force. In doing so, they help to amplify the voices of those who believe that war should be avoided whenever possible and that diplomacy and peaceful negotiation are the best ways to resolve conflicts.

One example of the strong antiwar voices that can be found on these platforms is the work of journalist and author Justin Raimondo. Raimondo is the editorial director of, and he has been a vocal critic of American foreign policy and the use of military force. In his writings, Raimondo argues that the United States has a history of using military intervention to advance its own interests, often at the expense of the people and countries it is supposedly helping. He also advocates for a more non-interventionist foreign policy, in which the United States would focus on protecting its own citizens and avoiding conflicts abroad.


Another example of a strong antiwar voice on these platforms is the work of journalist and author Daniel Larison. Larison is a senior editor at The American Conservative, and he has written extensively on issues related to war and peace. In his writings, Larison often criticizes American foreign policy and the use of military force, arguing that it is not only morally wrong but also ineffective and counterproductive. He also advocates for a more humble and modest foreign policy, in which the United States would focus on its own national interests and avoid trying to remake the world in its own image.

    Overall, and The American Conservative provide valuable platforms for strong antiwar voices. By offering alternative perspectives on issues related to war and peace, they help to challenge the dominant narrative and promote a more peaceful and non-interventionist foreign policy.

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