Sunday, December 11, 2022

Response to second EOTO presentations

 After hearing our second round of EOTO presentations I was very interested in the concept of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping involves a hierarchy of power where one individual or entity takes it upon themselves to withhold or not provide access to information.

Gatekeeping refers to the process through which information, ideas, and people are filtered by gatekeepers who have the power to decide which things are allowed to pass through and which are not. This process is often used to maintain the status quo and prevent the introduction of new or challenging ideas.

Gatekeeping can take many forms, from the selection of news stories by editors at a media outlet, to the acceptance or rejection of research papers by academic journals, to the granting or denying of visas to immigrants. In all of these cases, the gatekeepers hold a certain amount of power and influence over what is allowed to pass through and what is not.

One of the key issues with gatekeeping is that it can often result in the exclusion of marginalized voices and perspectives. For example, news organizations may only cover stories that fit a certain narrative or reflect the experiences of a particular group of people, effectively silencing the perspectives of others. Similarly, academic journals may only publish research that aligns with the dominant beliefs of the field, making it difficult for new or controversial ideas to gain traction.

Gatekeeping can also lead to the spread of misinformation and the suppression of important information. For instance, if a news organization only covers stories that support a particular political agenda, they may be inadvertently spreading false or misleading information. Similarly, if an academic journal only publishes research that supports the dominant narrative, they may be ignoring evidence that contradicts that narrative.

In order to address the issues associated with gatekeeping, it is important to recognize the power dynamics at play and to strive for diversity and inclusivity in the gatekeeping process. This can involve giving a platform to a wider range of voices and perspectives, encouraging critical thinking and skepticism, and promoting transparency in the decision-making process.

Overall, gatekeeping is a powerful and pervasive force in our society, and it is important to be aware of its potential effects on the flow of information and the inclusion of diverse perspectives. By recognizing the limitations of the gatekeeping process and working to address them, we can strive for a more fair and inclusive society. 

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