Monday, December 12, 2022

Supplemental essay on a Contract of Adhesion

 A contract of adhesion is a type of contract in which one party, typically a large corporation, presents the contract to the other party, who must either accept the terms or walk away. These contracts are often used in standard-form transactions, such as purchasing a cell phone plan or renting a car.

One of the main features of a contract of adhesion  is that the terms are not negotiable. The party presenting the contract, typically the corporation, has already decided on the terms, and the other party must either accept them or not enter into the contract at all. This puts the other party at a disadvantage, as they have little power to change the terms of the contract to their benefit.

Another feature of a contract of adhesion  is that the terms are often written in complex, legal language that may be difficult for the average person to understand. This can make it difficult for the other party to understand their rights and obligations under the contract fully.

Despite these drawbacks, contract of adhesion  are a common part of modern life. They are often used in situations where it would be impractical for the parties to negotiate the terms of the contract individually, such as when purchasing a product or service from a large corporation.

In some cases, courts have held that contract of adhesion  may be unenforceable if they are deemed unconscionable, overly harsh, or one-sided. However, in general, these contracts are considered to be legally binding.

Overall, contract of adhesion  are a common feature of modern life and are used in many standard-form transactions. While they can be disadvantageous for the party accepting the terms, they are generally considered to be legally enforceable.

Supplemental post on The Social Credit Score

 The social credit score is a system used in China to evaluate the trustworthiness of individuals and businesses. The score is based on a variety of factors, including a person's financial creditworthiness, social media activity, and behavior in daily life.

 The social credit score  was introduced in China in 2014 as part of the country's broader social credit system. The goal of the system is to promote trust and honesty among individuals and businesses and to create a more harmonious society.  The social credit score  is intended to be used as a tool to help individuals and businesses make better decisions and to encourage people to act in ways that are in the best interests of society.

One key factor that goes into a person's social credit score is financial creditworthiness. This includes whether they pay their bills on time, have any outstanding debts, and have a history of defaulting on loans. This information is collected from various sources, including credit bureaus and banks.

Another factor in a person's social credit score  is their social media activity. This includes things like the content of their social media posts, who they follow and interact with on social media, and how frequently they use social media. This information is collected from social media companies and is used to evaluate a person's level of trustworthiness.

In addition to financial creditworthiness and social media activity, a person's social credit score also considers their daily behavior. This can include things like whether they follow traffic laws, whether they obey rules and regulations, and whether they engage in activities that are considered socially responsible. This information is collected from a variety of sources, including government agencies, law enforcement, and other organizations.

 The social credit score is intended to be a comprehensive measure of a person's trustworthiness, and it is used in various ways in China. For example, individuals with high social credit scores may be eligible for certain benefits, such as discounts on loans or access to exclusive services. On the other hand, individuals with low social credit scores may face restrictions, such as being unable to travel or access certain services.

Overall, the social credit score  is a controversial system that has raised concerns about privacy and the potential for abuse. Critics argue that the system is opaque and lacks accountability and that it could be used to target and punish individuals or groups unfairly. However, supporters of the social credit score argue that it is an effective tool for promoting trust and honesty in society and encouraging individuals and businesses to act in the community's best interests.

Supplemental post on Vertical integration

Vertical integration is a business strategy that involves a company expanding its operations to include control over its suppliers, distributors, or retailers. This means that a company can control the entire production and distribution process for its products, from raw materials to the final consumer.

There are several reasons why a company might choose to pursue vertical integration. One reason is to reduce costs by eliminating intermediaries in the supply chain. For example, if a company that makes clothing also owns the factory where the clothing is produced, it can save money on manufacturing costs by not paying a third-party factory to create its clothes.

Another reason for vertical integration is to increase control over the quality of the company's products. By controlling all aspects of production, a company can ensure that its products are made to the highest standards and meet the company's specific requirements. This can be particularly important in industries where quality is essential, such as food or pharmaceuticals.

Vertical integration can also give a company a competitive advantage by allowing it to respond quickly to changes in the market. For example, if a company that sells clothing also owns the stores where the clothing is sold, it can quickly adjust its inventory and pricing to meet changing consumer demand. This can help the company to stay ahead of its competitors and increase its market share.

However, vertical integration can also have its drawbacks. One downside is that expanding a company's operations can be expensive to include control over its suppliers, distributors, or retailers. This can be particularly challenging for small businesses that may need more financial resources to invest in such expansion.

Another potential drawback of vertical integration is that it can limit a company's flexibility. By controlling all aspects of production and distribution, a company may need help to adapt to market changes or take advantage of opportunities that arise. For example, if a company that produces clothing also owns the stores where the clothing is sold, it may be less able to respond to a sudden increase in demand for a particular type of clothing.

Despite these drawbacks, vertical integration can be a valuable strategy for companies that are looking to reduce costs, increase control over their products, or gain a competitive advantage in the market. By expanding its operations to include control over its suppliers, distributors, or retailers, a company can gain greater control over the production and distribution of its products and position itself for long-term success.

Final Blog Post

 Cyberbullying, or the use of technology to harass, intimidate, or otherwise harm others, is a growing problem in our society. One major factor contributing to the rise of cyberbullying is the widespread use of smartphones and other mobile devices. With the ability to access the internet and social media from anywhere at any time, smartphones provide bullies with a new and powerful platform for their harmful behavior.

    One reason why phones contribute to cyberbullying is the anonymity that they provide. Many people feel more comfortable being mean or aggressive when they don't have to face the person they are bullying in person. With a smartphone, a bully can easily hide their identity and harass others without fear of retaliation. This anonymity can also make it difficult for victims to identify their bullies and seek help.

    Another factor contributing to cyberbullying is the constant availability of smartphones. With the ability to access the internet and social media anytime, bullies can harass their victims around the clock. This continuous harassment can make it difficult for victims to escape their bullies, even in the safety of their own homes. It can also make it harder for parents and other adults to monitor and intervene in bullying situations.

The prevalence of smartphones has also made it easier for bullies to reach a wider audience. With the ability to share messages and images instantly, bullies can quickly and easily spread their harmful messages to many people. This can increase the impact of bullying and make it even harder for victims to escape the situation.

Furthermore, using smartphones can make it difficult for victims to seek help and support. Many feel overwhelmed and isolated when bullied and may be afraid to seek help. With a smartphone, a victim may be less likely to seek help from friends, family, or other supportive adults and may be more likely to suffer in silence.

    In today's society, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. Many people use their phones for various activities, from communicating with friends and family to accessing the internet, social media, and other online services. While smartphones provide many benefits, they can also negatively affect our health. Here are a few reasons why phones are not healthy.

    One reason phones are unhealthy is that they can disrupt our sleep. The blue light emitted by smartphone screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, the bodies hormone that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle. This can make difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to sleep deprivation and various associated health problems, such as fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

    Another reason phones are unhealthy is that they can cause physical health problems. Prolonged use of smartphones can lead to eyestrain, headaches, and neck and back pain. The constant bending of the neck and shoulders to look at a phone can also contribute to the development of "text neck," a condition in which the spine becomes misaligned and can lead to chronic pain. In addition, smartphones can be a source of germs and bacteria, leading to illness if they are not cleaned regularly.

    Phones are also unhealthy because they can negatively affect our mental health. The constant notifications and alerts that we receive on our phones can create a sense of urgency and pressure to respond immediately. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and even depression. In addition, the constant use of phones can lead to social isolation, as people spend less time interacting with others in person and more time staring at their screens. This can negatively impact our relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being 

    Finally, phones are not healthy because they can be addictive. Many people have difficulty putting down their phones and disconnecting from the digital world. This can lead to excessive phone use, which can interfere with daily activities and responsibilities and cause problems in relationships and other areas of life.

    In conclusion, the widespread use of smartphones has contributed to the rise of cyberbullying. With the ability to provide anonymity, constant availability, a wide reach, and a barrier to seeking help, smartphones give bullies a powerful platform for their harmful behavior. In order to combat cyberbullying, it is essential for parents, educators, and other adults to be aware of the role that smartphones play and to take steps to prevent and address cyberbullying. This can include teaching children and teens about appropriate online behavior, monitoring their online activities, and providing support and resources to victims of cyberbullying.

Supplemental post on why Facebook is altering our society

 Facebook, the world's largest social networking platform, has profoundly impacted American society. Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has transformed the way that people communicate and interact with each other, both online and in the real world.

One of the most significant ways that Facebook has changed American society is by facilitating communication and connection on a massive scale. With over 2.7 billion monthly active users worldwide, Facebook allows people to connect with friends, family members, and even strangers with similar interests or backgrounds. This has made it easier for people to stay in touch, share their thoughts and experiences, and form new relationships.

Facebook has also changed the way that people consume and share information. The platform's news feed algorithm, which determines the order in which content appears in a user's feed, has come under scrutiny for its ability to shape public opinion. Many people now get their news from social media, and how Facebook presents this information can significantly impact how people perceive events and issues.

In addition, Facebook has transformed how businesses and organizations communicate with their customers and supporters. With the ability to create pages and advertise on the platform, businesses and organizations can easily reach a large and targeted audience. This has made it easier for small businesses to compete with larger companies and has also given organizations a new way to mobilize supporters and promote their causes.

Despite the many ways that Facebook has changed American society, the platform has also faced significant criticism. In recent years, Facebook has been criticized for its handling of user data, privacy concerns, and the spread of misinformation on the platform. These issues have led many people to question the social and political impact of Facebook, and have sparked a broader debate about the role of technology in society.

Overall, Facebook has had a significant impact on American society. While the platform has brought many benefits, it has also raised important questions about the role of technology in our lives. As Facebook continues to evolve and grow, it will be necessary to carefully consider how it shapes our society and how we can use it responsibly.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Supplemental post on The invention of the telephone

 The invention of the telephone has profoundly impacted how people communicate and connect with one another. Before the phone, people had to rely on slower forms of communication, such as letters, telegrams, or face-to-face conversations, to stay in touch with friends, family, and business associates. This made it difficult for people to stay connected, especially if they were located in different parts of the world.

With the invention of the telephone, people could now communicate with one another in real-time, regardless of their location. This greatly improved the speed and efficiency of communication, allowing people to stay connected and share information more quickly and easily than ever before.

One of the most significant impacts of the telephone was on the business world. Before the phone, businesses had to rely on slower forms of communication, such as letters and telegrams, to exchange information and conduct transactions. This made it difficult for companies to operate efficiently, as it took a long time for information to be exchanged and for decisions to be made.

The telephone changed all of this, allowing businesses to communicate more quickly and easily. This greatly improved the efficiency of business operations and allowed companies to expand their reach and grow more rapidly. The telephone also made it easier for businesses to conduct transactions, as they could now do so over the phone rather than relying on face-to-face meetings or mail.

The telephone also had a profound impact on society as a whole. Before the phone, people were more isolated, as staying connected with others far away was challenging. The telephone changed this, allowing people to easily stay in touch with friends and family, even if they were located in different parts of the world. This made it easier for people to maintain social connections and allowed them to form and sustain long-distance relationships.

In addition, the telephone also played a crucial role in the development of the modern emergency response system. Before the telephone, there was no easy way for people to quickly get in touch with emergency services in case of an accident or other crisis. The telephone changed this, allowing people to call for help in case of an emergency easily. This greatly improved public safety and has saved countless lives.

Overall, the invention of the telephone has profoundly impacted the world. It has revolutionized the way people communicate and connect with one another and has dramatically improved the efficiency of business operations. It has also played a crucial role in the development of the modern emergency response system, and has made it easier for people to maintain social connections and form long-distance relationships. The telephone has truly changed the world, and its impact can still be felt to this day.

Supplemental post on Artificial intelligence

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of technology that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our society. However, it also has the potential to negatively impact our society in various ways.

One of the significant concerns about AI is its potential to lead to job displacement. As AI technology advances, it is becoming increasingly capable of performing tasks previously thought to require human intelligence. This means that many jobs humans once performed may now be done by AI, leading to widespread unemployment. For example, self-driving cars and trucks are becoming more common, which could lead to the loss of jobs for truck drivers and other transportation workers.

Another potential negative impact of AI is its potential to exacerbate existing inequalities in our society. AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, and if the data is biased, then the AI system will also be biased. This can lead to unfair outcomes, such as AI systems making decisions that are biased against certain groups of people. For example, suppose an AI system is trained on data that is predominantly from white males. In that case, it may be more likely to make favorable decisions for white males, potentially leading to discrimination against other groups.

Another potential negative impact of AI is its potential to be used for malicious purposes. AI technology can be used to create sophisticated malware and other forms of cyberattacks. It can also be used to create realistic fake news and other forms of misinformation, which can be difficult for people to detect and can spread quickly through social media and other online platforms. This can have serious consequences, such as undermining trust in institutions and damaging people's reputations.

Furthermore, there are concerns about the long-term impact of AI on our society. Some experts warn that as AI technology continues to advance, it could become smarter than humans and potentially pose a threat to our survival. This is known as the "singularity" scenario, and while it is currently just a theoretical possibility, it is something that should be taken seriously and carefully considered.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to bring many benefits to our society, it also has the potential to negatively impact our society in various ways. We must carefully consider AI's potential consequences and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts. This may include regulating the development and use of AI technology, as well as ensuring that AI systems are trained on diverse and unbiased data sets. By doing this, we can help ensure that AI technology is used for the benefit of all members of our society.

Supplementary post on Internet Privacy

 Internet privacy is a growing concern for individuals and organizations alike. With the proliferation of personal information on the internet and the increasing use of internet-connected devices, the potential for data breaches and other privacy violations is on the rise. This blog post will discuss the importance of internet privacy, the ways in which it can be compromised, and some steps that individuals and organizations can take to protect themselves.

First, it is important to understand what internet privacy is and why it is important. Internet privacy refers to the right of individuals to control the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information online. This includes information such as their name, email address, date of birth, and other identifying information. It also includes information about their online activities, such as their browsing history, search queries, and online transactions.

The importance of internet privacy cannot be overstated. Our personal information is precious, and it can be used to steal our identities, commit fraud, or even blackmail us. In addition, the collection and use of personal information can raise ethical concerns, such as whether it is appropriate for companies to track our online activities without our knowledge or consent. Furthermore, the loss of internet privacy can lead to a loss of trust in institutions and a decline in overall social welfare.

There are many ways in which internet privacy can be compromised. One common way is through data breaches, in which hackers gain unauthorized access to personal information. This can happen through a variety of means, such as malware infections, phishing scams, or unsecured networks. Another way in which internet privacy can be compromised is through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies by companies. These technologies can be used to collect information about our online activities, which can then be used for targeted advertising or other purposes.

Individuals and organizations can take several steps to protect themselves from internet privacy violations. For individuals, this may include using strong and unique passwords, avoiding suspicious links and emails, and keeping their software and devices up to date with the latest security patches. They can also use privacy-enhancing technologies, such as virtual private networks (VPNs) and privacy-focused browsers, to encrypt their internet traffic and prevent their online activities from being tracked.

For organizations, protecting internet privacy may require a more comprehensive approach. This may include implementing robust security measures, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, to prevent data breaches. It may also involve training employees on internet privacy best practices and implementing policies that govern the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

In conclusion, internet privacy is a critical issue affecting individuals and organizations. As the amount of personal information on the internet continues to grow, it is important that we take steps to protect ourselves from privacy violations. By using strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links and emails, and implementing effective security measures, we can help ensure that our personal information remains safe and secure online.

The Progressive Era blog post #5 is a website that provides news and analysis on issues related to war and peace. It offers a strong antiwar perspective, opposing military interventions and the use of force as a means of resolving conflicts.

  The American Conservative is a website that also offers a strong antiwar perspective. It was founded by Patrick Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopulos in 2002, and its editorial stance is generally conservative and non-interventionist.

    Both and The American Conservative provide a valuable counterpoint to mainstream media outlets that often support military intervention and the use of force. In doing so, they help to amplify the voices of those who believe that war should be avoided whenever possible and that diplomacy and peaceful negotiation are the best ways to resolve conflicts.

One example of the strong antiwar voices that can be found on these platforms is the work of journalist and author Justin Raimondo. Raimondo is the editorial director of, and he has been a vocal critic of American foreign policy and the use of military force. In his writings, Raimondo argues that the United States has a history of using military intervention to advance its own interests, often at the expense of the people and countries it is supposedly helping. He also advocates for a more non-interventionist foreign policy, in which the United States would focus on protecting its own citizens and avoiding conflicts abroad.


Another example of a strong antiwar voice on these platforms is the work of journalist and author Daniel Larison. Larison is a senior editor at The American Conservative, and he has written extensively on issues related to war and peace. In his writings, Larison often criticizes American foreign policy and the use of military force, arguing that it is not only morally wrong but also ineffective and counterproductive. He also advocates for a more humble and modest foreign policy, in which the United States would focus on its own national interests and avoid trying to remake the world in its own image.

    Overall, and The American Conservative provide valuable platforms for strong antiwar voices. By offering alternative perspectives on issues related to war and peace, they help to challenge the dominant narrative and promote a more peaceful and non-interventionist foreign policy.

Response to second EOTO presentations

 After hearing our second round of EOTO presentations I was very interested in the concept of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping involves a hierarchy of power where one individual or entity takes it upon themselves to withhold or not provide access to information.

Gatekeeping refers to the process through which information, ideas, and people are filtered by gatekeepers who have the power to decide which things are allowed to pass through and which are not. This process is often used to maintain the status quo and prevent the introduction of new or challenging ideas.

Gatekeeping can take many forms, from the selection of news stories by editors at a media outlet, to the acceptance or rejection of research papers by academic journals, to the granting or denying of visas to immigrants. In all of these cases, the gatekeepers hold a certain amount of power and influence over what is allowed to pass through and what is not.

One of the key issues with gatekeeping is that it can often result in the exclusion of marginalized voices and perspectives. For example, news organizations may only cover stories that fit a certain narrative or reflect the experiences of a particular group of people, effectively silencing the perspectives of others. Similarly, academic journals may only publish research that aligns with the dominant beliefs of the field, making it difficult for new or controversial ideas to gain traction.

Gatekeeping can also lead to the spread of misinformation and the suppression of important information. For instance, if a news organization only covers stories that support a particular political agenda, they may be inadvertently spreading false or misleading information. Similarly, if an academic journal only publishes research that supports the dominant narrative, they may be ignoring evidence that contradicts that narrative.

In order to address the issues associated with gatekeeping, it is important to recognize the power dynamics at play and to strive for diversity and inclusivity in the gatekeeping process. This can involve giving a platform to a wider range of voices and perspectives, encouraging critical thinking and skepticism, and promoting transparency in the decision-making process.

Overall, gatekeeping is a powerful and pervasive force in our society, and it is important to be aware of its potential effects on the flow of information and the inclusion of diverse perspectives. By recognizing the limitations of the gatekeeping process and working to address them, we can strive for a more fair and inclusive society. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

EOTO blog post #9

The Smith-Mundt Act, also known as the U.S. Information and Education Exchange Act, was passed in 1948 and was created to "promote a better understanding of the United States in other countries, and to increase a mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.

Karl E. Mundt, 1945 

The Smith–Mundt Act was first introduced by Congressman Karl E. Mundt in 1945 and was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948. This Act was first created to regulate the broadcasting of information to a foreign audience through the State Department. It prohibited the domestic distribution of this content in the U.S. This law targeted independent networks of the U.S. government called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). BBG offers some programs: Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, and Middle East Broadcasting Networks. Since the bill was passed in 1948, BBG had only been promoted to share its content with foreign listeners due to the Smith-Mundt Act

The Smith–Mundt Act was first challenged by J. William Fulbright in 1972, where he proposed that the U.S. was funding propaganda. He argued that Voice of America, BBG's oldest and most popular network, "should be given the opportunity to take [its] rightful place in the graveyard of Cold War relics." After this statement was made, more restrictions on the dissemination of content were implemented.

The Smith–Mundt Act was rechallenged in 2010 when Congressman Adam Smith and Congressman Mac Thornberry worked together to sponsor the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. This Act was proposed in 2010 but would not get passed until 2012, when it was adopted into legislation. This new Modernization Act would allow people across America to see and hear valuable news produced by BBC and its accomplished journalists. The new Modernization Act considers content platforms that are not restricted by national boundaries, including satellite broadcasting, mobile delivery, and the internet. This new modernization to the Smith–Mundt Act would facilitate better reach and audience engagement and provide transparency into publicly-funded broadcasting. 

The implications of the Smith–Mundt Act are harmful because it outlawed public broadcasting that was aimed at the United States. Before the Modernization Act was passed in 2012, many Americans believed that the Smith–Mundt Act violated their right to a free press and media outlined in the constitution. This rebellious mindset led to over two hundred attending the Smith‐Mundt Symposium held at the Reserve Officers Association on Capitol Hill on January 13, 2009. 

Reserve Officers Association 

This Symposium was attended by a diverse group of Departments of State, Homeland Security, stakeholders, observers from Congress, and practitioners. The real purpose of this gathering was to "facilitate an interagency, public‐private, and inter‐tribal discussion about the purpose, structure, and direction of America's global engagement." The Symposium was presented through a series of panel discussions structured to start with the past, move to the present, and discuss the features of America's press and national security. This Symposium served the purpose of raising awareness which would later influence the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. 

While researching the Smith-Mundt Act, it becomes clear that the upsides to the creation of this Act lie in national and public safety. This was because Congress did not trust the State Department to promote ideals and content to the American public. Emily Metzgar, a professor at Indiana University school of journalism and a former U.S. diplomat, said that the Smith–Mundt Act was not created to protect the public from government propaganda. She had the opinion that the "record suggests it was really more about protecting a nascent broadcast industry in the United States right after World War II, and it was over time that more and more politics got interjected into the discussion."  

    The downside of the Smith–Mundt Act was that it shielded American people from viewing content produced by its own government. Many people felt this Act violated their constitutional rights and prevented them from viewing the media they chose. 

    The Smith–Mundt Act affected our society negatively because it forced people to look for the content censored by the government online. While the Smith–Mundt Act prevented the broadcasting of information domestically, this content was readily available online through various websites and blogs. Because people were forced to use other platforms to gain this information, many individuals were exposed to false information that was not produced by a credible source. 

    The Smith–Mundt Act had the potential to alter not only my life but also the lives of my friends and family. This Act, if it had not been modernized, would have prevented me from viewing content produced by the government on the broadcasting network. This is a form of government censorship that goes against the constitution. Not only would I have access to information produced by my own government, but I would also have to search online for any information that had been censored. 

In conclusion, the Smith–Mundt Act was the least understood and most influential Act affecting national security. While it might not have been apparent during its creation, the Smith–Mundt Act had affected not only individuals but also school districts and educational programs since the beginning of the Cold War. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022



With the rise of technology usage in the United States and worldwide, the issue of privacy and safety needs to be stressed. New technological developments would have led to mass surveillance and location tracking advancements. Awareness of these new developments allows citizens to protect themselves and their families. 

Mass surveillance by police departments has arisen with the development of automatic license plate readers. These readers, which are placed on street corners and police cars, were first developed to help automate the process of running a license plate in the database manually. Now, cameras combined with new technology scan every license plate regardless of whether the person is under investigation or not. This is a significant change because before this technology was implemented, a license plate was only run through the database if you were suspected of committing a crime or traffic violation. Now, every license plate that passes the camera is recorded and saved in a database. This has led to hundreds of thousands of people getting their photos taken and imputed to a database 

even though they did nothing wrong. Police departments keep these photos and information in case they need it in the feature. This affects not only my family and me but also all of my friends and loved ones. Photos are taken and stored without the individual even knowing and can be used years down the road against you. These issues personally affect me because these cameras are also used to track my everyday movements, including where I go, whom I see, and the things I like. This information can then be used to develop a picture of my life that law enforcement and other entities can use against me. If the surveillance system is ever hacked into, this information about myself is available, leaving me vulnerable. 

Another way our privacy and security are being abused is through the use of a cell tower dump. Cell tower dumps reveal the caller's location along with the other cell towers used to make the call. Cell phone companies originally developed this feature but have transitioned to government and law enforcement control. Wiretapping 

has become increasingly prevalent in the United States and was first implemented to target terrorist and criminal activity. Making a call is not private anymore, not only the government but also hackers and whoever else breaks into the surveillance system can listen to your call. One of the ways to deal with this is using a platform that is harder to wiretap. Platforms such as iMessage and facetime use an inscription method that is very hard to crack. Using these encrypted platforms makes it harder for law enforcement and hackers to access your private calls and messages. Another way that our society could deal with wiretapping is logging for better laws and regulations that prevent what platforms are wiretapped and who can access them. 

In conclusion, privacy and security technology upgrades have led to many Americans being vulnerable. Not only is your personal information gathered and stored without your knowledge, but your private phone calls can be listened to by many people. The only way to solve this problem is by spreading awareness of the situation. The more people understand that we have an issue, the more people that can be activists toward a solution. That solution could be more lobbying and protests for data control and surveillance. At the end of the day, people's data is harvested and stored without them even knowing, these advancements in technology have drastically changed the world of surveillance as we know it. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Diffusion of Innovations

 This blog post will outline the development of the telephone and its correlation to communication through the lens of the Diffusion of innovations theory. The invention of the telephone changed how our society communicated and gave the world a new way to send and receive messages and data. 

Alexander Graham Bell first invented the telephone in 1876 during the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution is a significant part of history because it ushered in a new age of mass production and the rise of the middle class. During the Industrial Revolution, factories started using machines to mass-produce items, and the United States started producing more goods that could be sold worldwide. With this new influx of goods being produced, communication became a crucial element in selling and distributing these goods. 

photo of Alexander Graham Bell 

Through the 1860s and 1870s, Graham Bell was fascinated by communication technology and focused his time studying the relationship between human speech and the use of technology. One of his many early inventions was a receiver he created in 1875 that could turn electricity into sound. Bell called this device the 'acoustic telegraphy,' which allowed voice-like sounds to be heard across a wire. After securing a patent for his invention in 1876, Bell continued his work until he had a telephone that could communicate across the US. 

    Looking at this invention through the lens of the Diffusion Theory, it becomes apparent that this invention was successful because it solved the problem of long-distance communication. The Diffusion of innovations theory was developed by Everett Rogers 

Everett Rogers
photo of photo of Everett Rogers

and sought to explain how and why new technology and ideas spread and become popular. According to Rogers, five key elements influence how a new product or idea gains traction. These elements included the innovation itself, adopters, communication channels, time, and a social system. When looking at the development of the telephone, one of the main reasons this communication became so popular was the invention itself. The telephone provided a service that was in heavy demand, so one of the main reasons the idea took off was that the invention itself served a purpose. When looking at the beginning of a new technology or invention, early adopters and the early majority heavily influence if it becomes popular or not.

Diffusion of innovations theory

 Early adopters of new inventions, such as the telephone, have the potential to boost a product's popularity or destroy the invasion before it has even reached its target audience. So many people became early adopters of the telephone because they wanted to experience a new technology developed for communication. During the telephone early adopters phase, Bell demonstrated his invention at the "Smithsonian Castle Building during meetings of the newly formed National Academy of Sciences." This meeting was essential to the early adopter's phase because the influential individuals that attended this meeting had the potential to share this invention with their audiences. As a result of this meeting, telephones were installed in all Smithsonian buildings in 1878

Individuals considered late adopters in the invention of the telephone did not link change or new technology. While the telephone was new and exciting for most people, some wanted to keep using snail mail or face-to-face contact. While letting go of past tendencies is easy for some, others struggle to let go of habits deep-rooted in their lifestyle. These individuals were considered late adopters of the telephone because they only used the technology after most people did. 

Some of the negative impacts the development of the telephone had on individuals were decreased face-to-face communication. With the invention of the telephone, people did not have to leave their homes to be able to communicate

switchboard operators

 with the people they loved. While this was convenient, it also meant that people did not physically have to see the person to communicate with them. Another negative impact of the telephone was state and national security. Security was yet to be a priority when telephones were first introduced into the market. This meant that many conversations were listened in on or monitored by switch operators. 

In conclusion, I can theorize through the Diffusion Theory that the positive effects of telephones outweigh the adverse effects. While safety and security were significant issues that needed to be solved, the telephone has changed how people community. The invention of the telephone allowed people from around the world the ability to communicate without having to be face to face. The invention of the telephone will continue to change as time passes, but this invention has altered the lives of people worldwide and changed how information is communicated.