Thursday, November 3, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court

 The US Supreme Court is the highest in the United States on a federal level. The Supreme Court has the task of managing the Judicial, Executive and Legislative branches of government. 

After watching the video on the Supreme Court, I was amazed by how long each justice member serves on the court. It was stated in the video that each justice serves the court for an average of sixteen years. This is a very long span of time, and after doing some of my own research, I discovered that the new average term for supreme court justices is 28 years. Now that Justices are spending a large portion of their lives working as judges, finding a suitable nominee is essential. 

The President chooses these nominees, and after researching, I have discovered that there has been a shift in how new justices are chosen. stated that “It’s no longer a priority to find the best candidate for the job who will serve with integrity and who has broad life experience.” This is interesting because now that each justice is receiving a Life tenure, both political parties want a Judge that hopefully will live a long time, not just someone fit for the job at that time. They are less concerned with honorable qualities such as integrity, fairness and positive vision of the feature. also went on to state that “the party in charge scrambles to find the youngest, often most ideological nominee.” This points to the fact that Supreme Court justices are becoming younger and younger, forcing political parties to speculate who they believe that young Judge will become. 

While watching the video, I became interested in the fact that they have to take a new photo every time a new Justice is added to the court. For some reason, I didn’t imagine new members being added that frequently. 

While learning about the photo-taking process, the video’s narrator said something that resonated with me. He stated, “though trained in the law, they deal with human dilemmas”. This was fascinating for me to think about because it is up to the Supreme Court to make the final decision about our nation's human rights. The justices have to be concerned with the heart of the issue and understand human nature. This quote was very eye-opening because  Supreme Court Justices are powerful people, but they are also still human and as humans are fallible. 

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